Neighbelline | Daily Prompt: From the Gut

Tell us about the last time you had a real, deep, crying-from-laughing belly laugh.

When I saw it the first time, the commercial played in my head and I seriously read the meme in the same sing-song voice as what I heard from the TV.

Straight from the horse's mouth
Straight from the horse’s mouth


19 Comments Add yours

  1. amediablogger says:

    Brilliant! Thanks for making me giggle 🙂


  2. amediablogger says:

    Is it ok to reblog this? It’s hilarious.


    1. Mati Serrano says:

      It’s okay.
      Glad to know it got you laughing.


      1. amediablogger says:

        Thank you so much.


  3. amediablogger says:

    Reblogged this on amediablogger and commented:
    This made me laugh out loud and I had to share it with my readers. Enjoy.


  4. bridawn says:

    This meme was one of the first things I saw this morning and it made me laugh quite hard!


  5. orestgtd says:

    I think you hit the mane point.


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