I’d Like to be the Foreigner | Daily Prompt: Stranger in a Strange Land

What’s your favorite part about visiting a new place — the food? The architecture? The people watching?

I am terribly tempted to rank them this way: 1: food, 2: people and 3: architecture.

Food is a personal favorite. But I have specific food limitations. So, while I love sampling the local fare, I cannot be as adventurous as other people. So most that I look forward to when it comes to victuals are the desserts, which are usually the safer choices for me.

People are generally interesting to me. But I haven’t been to another country. So the sight of other Filipinos in the Philippines isn’t that remarkable. Watching the locals do their everyday work is interesting and so is the language—especially when it’s different from what I use—but I get incredibly aware that they are not that foreign to me. While, yes, there are foreigners here, I know too well that they’re not from here ergo not really connected to the place or the people.

So, for once, I’d like to be the foreigner.

Architecture and the place in general is what I rely on. Structures are silent storytellers and they tend to keep memories of their own. Some places are deserted, so there’s neither food nor people. And at times all there is are ruins, which are still cool.

Granted I could still explore it all and still be in bounds of my limits—especially food—I’d still go with my original ranking.